Archives for the month of: May, 2009

Geni Geni is perhaps the latest entrant into the social networking scene. It is quite different from Facebook and Orkut in that it allows you to network with your family and create family trees mapping your ancestors and descendants. Linking members is as easily as putting in names and uploading photos and adding your relatives. It has over 45 Million profiles online. I keep wondering if it would be really possible to link ourselves to one couple!! It all had to start somewhere..

The Virgin Group has denied that it wants to buyout the Playboy Group. Hugh Hefner has apparently put Playboy012_5012playboy-bunny-posters1 on the  block after it posted a loss, due to the availability of free porn which has affected revenue.
However, realizing the value of what he has Hugh is asking for 3 times the current market capitalization of the company. The deal is for the company and not just the magazine, which means that includes Hef and the Mansion.

loveland3A theme park in China, scheduled to open in October 2009, has been torn down while still being built. The theme of the park was sex. Aptly called ‘loveland” the park was to have exhibits on genitalia and love techniques. Officials saw this park to be having a negative effect on society and ordered it closed.

A similarily themed park also called Loveland operates on Jeju Island in Korea. The site calls it the place where eroticisim and sexually oriented art meet.  Admission is open to all above 18 and they have a play area for kids. The park includes over 100 sculptures depicting various stlyes and methods and stone structures of genitalia. Worth a visit.

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Pictures of today’s dust storm descending on Kuwait City. Taken with a mobile cam.

Vodafone, after their takeover of the Hutchison network in India, was looking for a way to rebrand itself and replace the pug which had been the face of the network.

They contracted O&M, and the outcome was ZooZoos. They were to create ads to coincide with the IPL cricket matches, and were to release one ad every day, there was a match.

These have become quite a fad in India and well, its Zoo Zoo Mania out here. The Zoo Zoos are characters with white bloated bodies and alien shaped heads. Though the ads look like animation masterpieces these are actually humans in costumes. The material was specially selected in order to prevent wrinkles and the backgrounds were kept relatively simple in grey.

My favourite ad is the one for their roaming service shown below. Youtube carries the whole portfolio. They even have their own microsite and facebook page.