For the average South Indian male a cabaret dance is the prelude to the entry of the villain, a fight and possible torture of the protagonist.

It usually consists of 1 skimpily clad female in a body glove that imparts a feeling of nudity, a peek of cleavage, in a horrible jiggle and wiggle dance sequence reminiscent of a virtual contraceptive designed to throw off the sensitive viewer. The venue would normally be a hotel bar or the baddies den, surrounded by one eyed henchmen, muscled rogues and of course the bosses moll, who in some cases would indulge in the aforementioned dance.

A Cabaret is none of that. It is a part of French culture. Establishments existing for over a century, like Moulin Rouge carrying on the tradition of providing entertainment can be found in Paris. Possibly adding to the notion of gay Paris.

On offer is a multi course meal, with Champagne and a show. You might find the offer pricey and probably think the food could be had at any roadside brasserie and decide to go for the show any way.

Being in time is important to get good seats and don’t be dismayed by the pre show music. After the dinner service and the lights go off, what awaits is a treat for the senses. The lights, the colors, the sounds, the energy exuding from the performers, the sets, the costumes all flawlessly knit into a script that clearly depicts professionalism and artistic values that surpass the best movie productions.

That so much could be achieved in the confines of a what can be easily classified as a mid sized theatre is mind boggling. Contortionists , animals and a show that has at least 30 people on stage at a time, changing back grounds and characters in real time without a pause like a high speed locomotive that stops for none.

Artists who seem to be molded, fitting a spec, agile, fit and specially coached to move in tandem, to fit into the pieces of the moving puzzle that was being presented on stage.

Photography is prohibited, children are not though there is nudity, displayed in the least offensive manner.

There are other shows in town like the Crazy Horse and Lido. It is a must see of any visit to Paris.

Don’t die without seeing it.